
Thriller and fantasy books

Never Go Back

Never Go Back: A Jack Reacher Novel - Lee Child

This is a great read. His descriptions of fight scenes are pared down to the essentials. Reacher is accused of fathering a child and causing a death. He's not guilty and has to prove it. Worth your time to read this book.

Review of Wool by Hugh Howey

— feeling smile
Wool Omnibus (Silo, #1) - Hugh Howey

Wool by Hugh Howey

I can give this book 4 stars.

The only reason I didn't give it 5 stars was the author's propensity for drawn out descriptions of settings and/or characters' actions and some of the characters which I thought would carry through to the end were killed off early in the story.

I've never read anything by this author before and I found the writing excellent and  the plot compelling with well-developed believable characters.

 Claustrophobia and dread permeates the opening chapters and you can sense the oppression and the subjugation. This is a society without free will; people are just worker drones going about their daily routine with no questions asked. If they dare ask questions about going outside, they are suited up and send outside into the toxic atmosphere to clean the lenses and end up dying almost immediately after they finish the cleaning.

The fact that even though the silo-144 stories deep into the earth connected by a long spiral staircase-has advanced technology, it lacked an elevator. This at first, was hard to get my head around but when I realised that this was a device designed to keep people in their place be it below ground where all the workers existed, or above ground where the hierarchy lived it made sense.

The people live and die trapped inside this silo. They are told the atmosphere is toxic and the land is ruined. The small community is separated, with the farmers and mechanics in the lower third,  information-technology workers in the heart of the structure and the leaders and law makers in the upper level. All wear color-coded uniforms. Everyone must abide by rigid sets of rules from the number of children to the number and kinds of pets they are allowed.

I did like Juliette, the main character, though I would have liked it if the author introduced her sooner in the story, and followed her struggles to the ending which wasn't an ending at all as you need to read the next two books to find out what happens.

If you enjoy downbeat sci fi and dystopian with a touch of steam punk, then Wool is for you.

Review by O. N. Stefan. Author of The Deadly Caress.

Journal entry from Amanda Blake

— feeling happy

This is the trailer for The Deadly Caress. I'm happy with this. What do you think?



The Deadly Caress book trailer


I'm excited to launch my first book trailer for the Deadly Caress.

Please tell me what you think.

Kindle Scout


Anyone used Kindle Scout or know anything about it?  Kindle Scout

Chapter 2

Reblogged from Booknest:

A new chapter uploaded to Wattpad. Enjoy.


Chapter 2 The Deadly Caress

Chapter 2

A new chapter uploaded to Wattpad. Enjoy.


Chapter 2 The Deadly Caress

A Game of Thrones

A Game of Thrones - George R.R. Martin The Game of Thrones – A Song of Ice and Fire

If you love fantasy that is not formulatic then this is the book for you with the sheer brilliance of a multi layered plot that weaves so many seemingly unrelated stories together to form a plausible alternate universe in which not only politics, intrigue, war, adventure and romance can coexist plausibly, but magic as well. However, the magic is low key so it’s not an easy out for the characters in a jam.

In the story we follow the lives of a number of characters via allocated point of view chapters through the story. The characters are interesting with some totally good or totally evil and others are shades of both.

For the MEDIEVAL HISTORY BUFFS: this story was influenced by the WARS OF THE ROSES and THE HUNDRED YEARS WAR.

Once you start reading this epic, don’t expect to be able to tear yourself away. It will have you in its grip ‘till the end. Then you just have to buy, borrow or steal the following book in the series to find out what happens next.

One negative I could find was that if you don’t like to read about gore and blood, then this is not the book for you.

Review by: O. N. Stefan Author of The Deadly Caress on Kindle:


Agency Rules - Never an Easy Day at the Office - Khalid Muhammad

This is a great read from a very skilled author.

Beyond the Sunset - Samuel Z. Jones

Love the cover of this book. A great read too.

The Deadly Caress
The Deadly Caress

Just looking through the pics that my cover artist sent to me. I like this one and wonder if I should change the book cover of The Deadly Caress.



O.N. Stefan

Reblogged from Booknest:
The Deadly Caress - O. N. Stefan

Someone asked me why I wrote The Deadly Caress. A newspaper article about a daughter connecting with her mother after many years captured my attention  and I started wondering if I could put a twist on that. What if a person was to discover that the woman she thought was her mother wasn't. How would she feel? What if this newly discovered mother was murdered? What would this person do?

Then there's a scary scene with Amanda driving down a mountainside and that comes from my memory banks. I grew up across the road from a very bad intersection and every weekend there would be at least one horrific accident. Some of these were youths speeding or chasing each other. Others were drunks or drivers who had miscalculated the sharp turn and careered into an oncoming car or the nearby light post. My dad would run over to see if an ambulance needed to be called as we were the only family in the street to have a phone. He'd take blankets over if the person/people was badly injured and I would help him. My sister and my mother would be too upset to be of help and didn't go.

Source: http:// .gr_custom_container_ { /* customize your Goodreads widget container here*/ border: 1px solid gray; border-radius:10px; padding: 10px 5px 10px 5px; background-color: #FFF; color: #000; width: 300px } .gr_cu

Check out the synopsis for my next thriller. It's due to be released early 2015.

Brad Pitt signing my cover.
Brad Pitt signing my cover.

O.N. Stefan

The Deadly Caress - O. N. Stefan

Someone asked me why I wrote The Deadly Caress. A newspaper article about a daughter connecting with her mother after many years captured my attention  and I started wondering if I could put a twist on that. What if a person was to discover that the woman she thought was her mother wasn't. How would she feel? What if this newly discovered mother was murdered? What would this person do?

Then there's a scary scene with Amanda driving down a mountainside and that comes from my memory banks. I grew up across the road from a very bad intersection and every weekend there would be at least one horrific accident. Some of these were youths speeding or chasing each other. Others were drunks or drivers who had miscalculated the sharp turn and careered into an oncoming car or the nearby light post. My dad would run over to see if an ambulance needed to be called as we were the only family in the street to have a phone. He'd take blankets over if the person/people was badly injured and I would help him. My sister and my mother would be too upset to be of help and didn't go.

Source: http:// .gr_custom_container_ { /* customize your Goodreads widget container here*/ border: 1px solid gray; border-radius:10px; padding: 10px 5px 10px 5px; background-color: #FFF; color: #000; width: 300px } .gr_cu

Currently reading

The Blue Executions
George P. Norris